
Top 15 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Digital Photography

There is no photography world without mistakes. It does not really matter whether you are a professional or a beginner, there are some mistakes that you make without understanding. By these mistakes, sometimes it becomes easier to determine the level of the photographer. This article is intended to make your work easier, and to make you understand what are your biggest mistakes. So, here are top 15 common mistakes that you should avoid in digital photography.READ MORE


Amazing Photography Tutorials for Beginners and Professionals

Photography is a field, where you should always improve yourself, regardless of whether you are a beginner or a professional one. It really does not matter where you stand, how much you earn, there are always things that you should learn. Fortunately, there are many free classes, tricks, tutorials that you are able to access, in order to develop your skills. So, today we are going to introduce you amazing photography tutorials, that will definitely help you very much.READ MORE


5 Tips to Take Awesome Long Exposure Photos

Long exposure photos have developed very much during the last few years. Now, the majority of landscape photos, nighttime road photos, sunset/sunrise photos are made in this style. So, if you still don’t use this style as a photographer, it is the right time for you to start. So, in order to make your work much easier, today we will introduce you 5 tips, that will help you to take amazing long exposure photos.READ MORE

Close up of photographer Sarah Lee

Top 15 Amazing Digital Photography Tips

It does not matter if you are starter or professional one in photography, there are some important tips that you should take into account and use in your practice, if you would like to get the best results. So, today we will introduce you top 15 amazing photography tips, which you can use to your advantage.READ MORE


20 Movies About Photography Every Photographer Should Watch

In general, in order to be a good photographer, one should watch movies a lot. The reason is that studying how movie makers create moving pictures on the screen, can improve one’s photography skills very  much. In addition, it is also very important to watch movies about photography, in order to go deeper in photography world. So, here you can find 20 great movies about photography that are worth watching.READ MORE


7 Tips To Get Sharper Images With Almost Every Camera

Getting sharp images is crucial for every photographer who prints in large formats. However those people who are new in photography will hardly determine a difference that exists in razor-sharp image when they see it on computer and fairly-sharp image. However sharpness is very important to each photographer, so today we are going to introduce you 7 tips that will guide you to getting sharper photos with nearly all camera types.


Close up of photographer Sarah Lee

Why Copyright Protection Is Important To Photography Owners

As a photographer, you definitely understand how your works are precious for you. Sometimes you take the best photo you could ever take, you spend very long hours on it in order to edit it in the best way, and one day you find out that your photo was used without your permission. This is why copyright protection is so important in photography.


Close up of photographer Sarah Lee

Top 8 Essential Tips To Take Better Photos in 2015

Like every profession, in order to be a good photographer one must have a long experience. However, besides experience there are some things that people should learn in order have the desired results in photos. So, have you decided to go much deeper in photography in the next year? If so, here are some essential tips for you to make better photos in 2015.



Photographer’s Guide To Getting Your Backgrounds Right

Image backgrounds can be both positive and negative attributes to photos. For example they can make the photo stand out in a unique way, however they can also be incompatible with the main subjects. So, in order to make backgrounds awesome, today we are going to introduce a guide to getting the backgrounds right.